Friday, June 10, 2011

June Sweater: Lodi + Mindfulness

I was absolutely thrilled with my 6th Sweater of 2011: the Lodi Cardigan. This sweater knit up in only 8 days and cost only $18, and most importantly, it looks fabulous!

I wouldn't have looked twice at this pattern if Kyia hadn't gotten me the issue of Knitscene it's in. Thanks, friend! The pattern is extremely simple, and would make an excellent first sweater. So, it's only a third of the way into the month and I'm already done! It would be a good idea to start a tougher sweater now with the extra time, like the Falling Stars Sweater. Maybe I'll swatch this weekend. Not sure if I want mine to be pullover or a cardigan?

 Yesterday I went to Fargo with my coworker Joelle for a really neat work training on Mindfulness and the 12 Steps. It inspired a lot of ideas for working with clients who struggle with being present in the moment with their discomfort, and have a history of turning to drugs, alcohol, and other compulsions for distance from their unpleasant emotions. The speaker was very engaging, and we spent time practicing meditation ourselves throughout the day. I was very pleased with the ease at which I was able to enter meditation, as last summer I really struggled to be mindfully present. I practice so much more non-judgmental acceptance of myself now. The neat thing about that is that the more I joyfully accept myself as exactly as I am in the moment, the more easily I am able to become my best self. Pretty Jedi.

I also had TONS of time to knit (about 13 hours including the travel) and got a lot accomplished. I finished another sweater for Baby A (his third one!) and also finished up these socks (previously featured in my Duluth post). The yarn is Claudia Handpaints sock in Teal Party, and the pattern is a top-down stockinette sock with a picot hem and two repeats of a 3-row Purl-YO-Purl pattern. A simple, decorative sock in a color I tend to wear often.

 This weekend, I plan to knit, knit, knit. Although I've been feeling guilt to spin more, my most recent spinning project is a real slog-along. We'll see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Have to say again, a beautiful sweater that looks fantastic on you! Love the socks too.
