Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 resolutions!

I enjoy setting resolutions for the coming year. I used to just set "intentions", but I think I've become more disciplined in the past few years. So last year, my goals we're three-fold:
1. Attain & maintain a weight of 197. Oops, didn't quite make the mark on that. Last weigh in, I was at 206... So I lost 2 pounds since the beginning of the year! And maintaining is a real bitch, let me tell you. I worked too damn hard on my 70-pound weight loss to gain it back, so. Keep working on it!
2. Save $1,000 and go to the NY State Sheep & Wool Festival in Rhinebevk, NY. Done! I got to meet Tina in person and spent a fast weekend with her and her rad husband, along with Lisa and Leah from my local knitting group. I'm already trying to scheme a way to visit Tina again in 2012! Rhinebeck was such a treat, the shopping was phenomenal!

3. Knit 11 sweaters in 2011. This resolution was SERIOUSLY tested as I bound off the 11th and final sweater at 10:20pm last night! So proud of myself for really pushing myself and knitting beautiful sweaters this year. Full recap to come, promise!

So then, in 2012, what goals lie ahead? Well, of course to maintain my weight, that's really a lifestyle commitment rather than a goal at this point! I also thought about committing to saving for another tattoo, a big one. But that seems pretty expensive in light of our big house purchase this month and all of those new expenses! So, I for sure have one big knitting goal:

Knit 12 baby sweaters or baby blankets in 2012! There were many babies born last year to knit for, and 2012 is already shaping up to be quite a doozy, between close friends, family members, and coworkers. I've got some good ideas to come, so stay tuned. Any resolutions for you in 2012?

(I'm blogging from my new iPad [whoooo!], so photos to come for this post once I get home & hop on the desktop, okay?)


  1. Great job on your goals! Mine were not all met for last year but I strived very hard toward them and I think I'll be able to meet them this year.

    I'm planning to lose 20 pounds (I can jog 28 min straight! I love it!), continue eating healthy, publish my first first author paper, and pass my comprehensive exams (written and oral). I think that's enough to keep me busy. ;)

    No knitting goals. It took me a whole semester to knit one baby sweater this fall so I'm going to take baby steps and get back to knitting fiercely in 2013 - the year I will no longer have ANY classes for the rest of my life (hopefully).

  2. Your goals were ambitious and I'm impressed! It was such a great thing to meet you and Lisa and Leah, it was absolutely my pleasure.

    I hope you can come again like you're thinking, and this time that I've got nothing to do but hangout. :)

  3. Jenna! You are a gracious knitter and thank you for all of the wonderful things you have knitted Aunders this past year! And I LOVE my knew gloves! Well done with all of your "resolutions" last year and good luck this coming year. I'm so excited to see your new house!!!!!!

  4. Congrats on actually making it to 11 in 2011! My grand total was... wait for it... 0. But that won't keep me from trying for 12 in 2012.
    Happy New Year!
