Monday, December 20, 2010

Impulse Shawl

My momma bought me a new coat a month ago, and I still don't have wooly hand-knit accessories to match yet. I mean, isn't that the whole point of being a knitter? I have a hat and some very unmatchy mittens I've been wearing, but had no scarf. Brrr!

When Katie C was visiting a few weeks ago, we went to the yarn store (Bonnie's Spinning Wheel) and I picked out this beautiful sock yarn.

 But instead of knitting socks with it (I'm kind of on sock hiatus, strangely enough), I cast for a little neckwarmer - the Holden Shawlette. It's a great pattern, and perfect for 1 skein of sock yarn. In the bind off, a little row of picot edging is created. Fiddly, but I'm glad I did it.

It's not very big, not even as wide as my armspan...

But totally perfect! Now, to whip up some mittens with this handspun:
Spunky Eclectic Fiber Club in "Flannel" on Targhee


  1. The shawlette looks great blocked! Now Knit those Mittens! :)

  2. Mmm... three. I am NOT a shawl knitter, by any means, but I like them so much more than scarves for myself.
