Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ravellenic Shawl

I knit a shawl as part of the Ravellenics, a knitting challenge that takes place concurrently with the Olympics. I participated in the "Shawl Sailing" event, and knit a small shawl from the new Knitscene. I mentioned it in my last blog post. The yarn is Cascade Heritage Silk Blends, and the colors really fit in with my current wardrobe. I haven't decided if I'm keeping it or will gift it for Christmas. It's narrower that it seemed to look in the magazine, more like a scarf than a shawl. It still turned out beautifully!


I also finished a pair of socks for my dad for Christmas. He's a huge fan of SCSU's Husky Hockey team. I k it him socks in their colors (black and red) to keep his toes warm at games. The yarn is Knit Picks Felici Sport. This is another yarn that's really nice for the price. The yardage is a little skimpy for a man's sock so the length of the leg is on the short side.

I just finished another shawl for the Ravellenics last night, the Saroyan Shawl, out of Malabrigo worsted. Once it's blocked I should have some FO pics to share! Brian and I are planning a camping trip and I'm very excited to work on a camping knitting project. There are so few distractions while camping that I can really get into a complicated project that I wouldn't normally knit at home. Whoohoo!


  1. Fabulous work as usual Ms. are a knitting Rock Star! Miss you, Cindy
