Ten on Tuesday topic for this week is:
10 Favorite Childhood Games
1) Dress up. I even had my mom's home-made senior prom dress! Very Little House on the Prairie, as a matter of fact.
2) Barbies... except my memories of playing Barbie just reveal how pathological my childhood was. Bummer.
3) Legos. My cousin Cameron and I were Lego crazy, seriously. I loved the pirate ones.
4) Pretend. We played a lot of pretend games as kids, Bridge to Tarabithia-style, in the field next to my gramma's house. There was a memorable day involving a three legged table, which transformed from a ship into a post-apocalyptic bomb shelter. I was a weird fricking kid.
5) Scrabble - played it with Gramma all the time.
6) Uno
7) Catchphrase. We played this in treatment on Fridays and I still love it!
8) Candyland - this was a game I could play with my baby sister, tough to find because we were 7 years apart. This was a good game to play together.
9) 4-square, a great playground game.
10) Super Mario Brothers. My cousins had a console and I was VERY jealous!
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